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Unity - first look on unity classes

Hi! Today we want to talk about unity. Shortly - we got 2 options from programming languages: C#, JavaScript. Plus in JS is that - changes are working instant, but a lot things working just with C#, we in my opinion C# is better/safer option. Additionally you got scripts and projects on unity sites - almost everything is made in Unity C#.

Unity engine is good option, because when you are not experienced you can make a game, but if you are fu**ing awesome you can made awesome game.


So firstly Unity is game engine for 2D and 3D games. If you want write something to move it into scene it need to include unity game object - that mean include monobehaviour. Classes with monobahaviour is havy, but you can use it as scene objects. That mean you can use normal C# but just as variables of objects (scripts) on scene.

Monobahaviour give us tones of scene informations it create crom your code his own class. There is total 0 casual constructors - in unity code we can call it "awake". That what you call C# for Unity got totally different life-cycle than casual C# objects.

This is basics, but very important. If you want to know which function is where called look at diagram. It is important for start and for optimization. Next post I will prepare about code, so see you soon!

GameObjects life-cycle:

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