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Level of complexity by AppleTree

Hello! Today I will told you some about level of complexity which describe by Adrian Jabłonka.

He is talking about game makers which want to start with games based on levels of mechanics which you need to implement.

Level 0

If you never made any game you should start from level 0. So make a simple game with 2 mechanics like: flappy bird or pong

Level 1

If you end project from level 0 - it is very important to end game from start to end, with menu, eventually with pause. You can start with something bigger but just a little bit.

This project should have 2 main mechanics like move and jump or move in 2D. Examples of that game can be tennis, IcyTower or 2D runner.

Level 2

Can be upgraded game from level 1. Like game from level 1 + 1 mechanics. So make IcyTower with different platforms or different characters, or tennis with different hits.

Level 3

If you made simple platform game you end level 3, but you can update it even to more than 10 level game. So made simple game end it and do updates, but after you made level before to end!

If you are confused look at next 3 images. You can see ther trees on levels 7, 8, 9. Of course are similar, but not the same - one level make differences. So remember that idea and make level after level, but all time in need to be completed as product. So if you want to add 8 level of mechanics - all need to be done on level 7. Look how skull is building in the middle of tree. Like in level desing you start from terrain and build mountains, trees, stones, buildings etc.

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