Constructors and memory - C#
Hello people! Today I will talk about how to create object in C#. So we have few options:
- default constructor (available when no other exist),
- constructor without parameters,
- constructor with parameters,
- copy constructor (as argument parameter from your class).
In constructors we can prepare objects. As example we can use cake class.
cake() {};
cake(string name) { cake_name = name };
cake(cake Cake) { //make copy of object };
So without constructor you can make:
cake Cake = new cake();
With constructors you can write: cake Cake = new cake(); - no parameters
cake Cake2 = new cake("Brownie"); - 1 parameter function
cake Cake3(Cake2); - copy constructor (copy "Brownie cake")
Destructors: When object's life is going to end we need to clean memory, but we have "trash" governor which is cleaning after us. How exactly it works? It depend from version/generation, but it is not this topic. Sometimes we need to do some extra things, before objects will be destroyed, but we can talk about it later. Bye!